Company Values Training

Often companies choose to invest in generic, mandatory training but forget that sometimes the most important thing is to learn what's right by our side.

Our client “SBA” chose a different path and invited us to deliver training on one of the most important things - company values. And not just any training, but a gamified one!

As you know, we like this approach to training the best because it allows us to apply custom e-learning solutions.

We turned the training into a fun game where the user travels through different value islands and collects points by answering questions in various simulations. All the questions came from the daily lives of the company's employees.

The goal is to choose the answer that best matches the company's value. Otherwise, the score may even turn negative!

We are delighted with the excellent feedback from those who have tried the training and feel thankful for the opportunity to contribute to this project.

We have no doubt that the values of this fun e-learning game will be remembered by employees and will increase the company's productivity.

And we hope that “SBA” will inspire other companies to take the time for value training and thus increase employee loyalty.

Type: gamified e-learning course

Tools: Articulate Storyline

Client: SBA

Language: Lithuanian, Russian


Information Security training


Customer Service Standard